Project Stage 5


  1. Each group must demo its application. The demo takes 15 mintues.
  2. Final Report. Your final report needs to include the following:
    1. Briefly describe your project
    2. Discuss the usefulness of your project, i.e. why is your project useful
    3. Discuss the data in your database
      1. Include your ER Diagram and Schema
      2. Briefly discuss where you collected the data and how you collected them
    4. Clearly list the functionalities in your project
    5. Explain one basic function
      1. Show the actual SQL call
      2. List and briefly explain the dataflow, i.e. the steps that occur between a user entering the data on the screen and the output that occurs
    6. Explain your two advanced functions and why they are considerd advanced
    7. Describe one technical challenge that the team encountered.  This should be sufficiently detailed such that another future team could use this as helpful advice if they were to start a similar project or were to maintain your project
    8. States if everything goes according to the plan and the designed specifications, if not, then why
    9. Describe the final division of labor.

Submission Instruction: