MP 8: Introduction to Terraform


This MP will introduce Terraform. You will be writing a Terraform configuration file that will deploy resources in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Terraform is one of the Infrastructure-as-Code frameworks that we talked about in lecture. It has become quite popular in recent years because it’s relatively easy to configure, and is platform agnostic. Terraform supports AWS, GCP, and Azure, among other cloud platforms.

The main idea behind Terraform is that infrastructure should be:

Terraform does this by saving your infrastructure configuration in *.tf files, and saving the current state of your deployed infrastructure in a *.tfstate file. We won’t be talking much about *.tfstate files in the MP, but know that they are very important to include in your source control so that state can be maintained between users of Terraform.

Internally, Terraform has the concept of resource dependency. As we’ll see later in this MP, Terraform calculates an internal dependency graph for all cloud resources. This is very useful because cloud infrastructure often needs to be created in a specific order. For example, you may need to create virtual disks before you can create your VM instances and attach those disks to those instances.

Additionally, Terraform is smart about “applying” infrastructure changes. If you change a property (i.e. the name) of a resource, Terraform is usually able to simply edit that resource instead of deleting the old resource and recreating it. However, this is not perfect, and sometimes limitations in the API of your cloud provider will necessitate deleting and recreating resources.


The basic terraform structure for a resource is as follows:


The following is an example of what a simple GCP SQL database setup could look like.

resource "google_sql_database_instance" "master" {
  // The name of the database on GCP
  name = "master-instance"

  settings {
    tier = "D0"

resource "google_sql_database" "test-database" {
  name      = "test-db"

  // Notice that we can access attributes of other resources
  instance  = "${}"

  charset   = "latin1"
  collation = "latin1_swedish_ci"

resource "google_sql_user" "test-database-student-user" {
  name     = "cs398student"
  instance = "${}"
  host     = ""
  password = "changeme"

An important thing to node is the interpolation syntax. For example, when creating the SQL user, we need to reference the SQL database that the user should be connected to. We could manually populate this instance name, because we are in control of the databases name, however it is much better to use interpolation. Note that ${} will be interpolated to master-instance (the name of the database) at runtime. This is useful because if later on we decide to change the name of the database, we only have to change this in one place, and not look for references to that specific name all over our codebase.

For more examples of Terraform syntax, check the documentation linked to in the Resources section.


You will have a much easier time with this MP if you heavily consult the Terraform documentation for GCP. You can find that documentation here.

Additionally, Terraform has some example GCP compatible examples that you can refer to here. (Be warned though that these examples are a bit more complicated than the work we’re asking you to do)


Download and install the version of Terraform for your system from this page.

MP Activities

Problem Statement

In this MP, we’ll be setting up a very basic cloud application configuration. We’ll be addressing how to setup a VM instance, different options for persistent storage, and some basic networking.

Terraform can display what our infrastructure looks like once it’s setup. Here’s the graph of what we’ll setup in the subsequent problems:

(Hint: Once you’ve completed the MP, you can run terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png if you have graphviz installed to double check that your solution matches this graph!)

Problem 1 - Getting Everything Setup

First, we need to get a GCP project and credentials setup, so that we have a place to work on deploying our cloud infrastructure. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Create a project in GCP titled something like “cs398-YOUR_NETID-mp8”. You will need to change the “project” field in to reflect your project name.
  2. Create and download an “Authenticated JSON File” from GCP using this tutorial. This is how Terraform will authenticate with GCP when it goes to deploy your infrastructure. Important: Place the contents of this file in a file called account.json in this MP folder.
    • Note: You may have to create a “Service Account”. The name of this service account can be arbitrary, but make sure to give it the “Project Owner” Role so that it has permissions to manipulate your cloud infrastructure.
  3. Enable the following APIs in the GCP console. Do this by going to the “API and Services” menu item in the GCP console, navigating to the “Dashboard” of this view, and clicking “Enable API and Services”. Then, enable the following APIs:
    • Google Compute Engine API
    • Cloud Storage JSON API
  4. Run terraform init in the MP directory. This will download the GCP Terraform plugin, and get everything setup.
  5. Run terraform get in the MP directory. This will load and validate the essentially empty Terraform file.
  6. Run terraform plan and then terraform apply. Terraform should report that there are no changes needed. This is a good thing! We’re just getting started.

Note: After each step, it is helpful to run the terraform get/terraform plan/terraform apply sequence. This will confirm for you that your terraform code is valid, and is able to be applied.

Problem 2 - Creating a Storage Bucket

As we discussed in lecture, “Storage Buckets” are a useful way to store static resources. Often times, user data (like images) will be stored in storage buckets. These buckets are also sometimes used for large datasets, as they tend to scale elastically. You don’t have to have a maximum size on your storage buckets, like you need to do with virtual disks. These Storage Buckets are usually backed by a service, so that people can access data inside these buckets from the wider Internet (if that’s how you set them up). In GCP this service is called “Google Storage”; in AWS, this is called “S3” (Simple Storage Service). This problem will have you setup a storage bucket.

  1. Create a google_storage_bucket resource that is named cs398-file-storage-<YOUR_NETID>.
  2. Make sure that the storage bucket located in the US.
  3. Enable versioning for this bucket.

Problem 3 - Creating an Instance

Instances are the core of many cloud computing infrastructures. An “instance” is essentially just a managed VM. You can specify the requested specifications of your VM (memory, number of VPCUs, etc) at the creation time of your VM. Furthermore, GCP and other cloud platforms have a variety of ready-made “images” to initialize your VM. These images contain copies of a specific operating system. We’ll be using Ubuntu for this example, but there are also public images of other Linux distributions (Debian, CentOS, etc.) and Windows.

  1. Create a google_compute_instance resource named nebula-in-the-cloud
  2. Set the machine type of this instance to n1-standard-1
  3. Add the following tags to the instance: cs398, mp8
  4. Add a boot disk to your image, and make sure that it initializes to the ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1604-lts image
  5. Make sure that your image is in the us-central1-a zone. (This is a reference to the physical location of your VM)
  6. Set the description of your instance to be Look, we're cooking with clouds now!
  7. Set the metadata_startup_script on you instance to be "${file("")}". This loads the simple script we’ve provided you, and runs it when your instance starts up.

(Note: Your network interfaces can be empty to begin with)

Problem 4 - Creating a Disk and Attaching It

Virtual disks are another way of managing persistent storage. These are most analogous to traditional hard drives (or SSDs). They don’t usually have a service behind them, so data on these disks cannot be directly accessed from outside the VM it’s attached to. You also have to provide a maximum capacity for drives. In recent years, you have also been able to choose the storage medium of these drives. Usually, you have a choice between spinning disks (hard drives) and solid state media. Solid state media tends to be faster, but will cost extra.

  1. Create a google_compute_disk resource named dataset-disk
  2. Set the disk’s size to be 10 Gigabytes
  3. Set the zone of the disk to be us-central1-a
  4. Attach this disk to the instance you created in Problem 3 by modifying the configuration for your nebula_in_the_cloud instance (Note: You will need to read up on resource “self_link”s and variable interpolation to do this problem correctly)

Problem 5 - Making Your Instance Accessible

Now that we have an instance setup, we ant to make it accessible to the wider Internet. By default, your VM will only be accessible from within your private project within GCP. It will only be assigned a private “internal” IP address (like the 192.168.*.* address that your computer probably has internally). First we will allocate an external IP address from GCP. This will give us the exclusive right to use that IP address for whatever purpose we want. Then, we will attach this IP address to our instance so that traffic that is routed to our external IP will be routed to our instance. This will involve editing the configuration of our instance. Finally, we will create a firewall rule to allow ingress traffic on port 8000 to be accepted by our instance. By default, the networking settings on instances will be very strict so that no one can access your VM without your permission.

  1. Create a google_compute_address named nebula-in-the-cloud-address
  2. Attach this address to your nebula_in_the_cloud instance by adding it as a nat_ip to the instances network_interface. (Note: You will need to read up on resource “self_link”s and variable interpolation to do this problem correctly)
  3. Create a google_compute_firewall named nebula-in-the-cloud-firewall. Set the network to default, and allow the tcp protocol on port 8000.

Go into the GCP console, and then check under “VPC Network” > “External IP Addresses”. Find the IP address for nebula-in-the-cloud-address. If you run ping <THE_ADDRESS> in your terminal, you should be able to ping your instance from the “outside world”. Cool!

Now, go to <THE_ADDRESS>:8000 in your browser. You should see a friendly “hello world” page if all of your networking is setup correctly. Nice job! (Note: It may take a couple minutes for your instance to boot up. Don’t worry if it takes a couple minutes)

Problem N - Tear it all down!

🚨 This is an important step! 🚨

Run terraform destroy, and then type in yes.

Note: This will delete all of your infrastructure in GCP. We’re just experimenting with GCP, so we don’t want to waste our credits on resources that we aren’t using! terraform destroy is analogous to rm -rf /, so be very careful about it’s use in non-experimental situations!


By the end of the MP, you should have one Terraform file ( that solves all the activity problems. Please, if you are having any troubles setting up, let us know during office hours or through Piazza.


MP 8 is due on Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 at 11:59PM.

You can find starter code and the Git repository where you should submit your code here:

If you have issues accessing your repository, make sure that you’ve signed into Gitlab. If you still do not have access, please make a private post on the course Piazza.

Please write your solutions as indicated in the following file:

… and commit your code to Gitlab like this:

git add .
git commit -m "Completed MP" # Your commit message doesn't need to match this
git push