CS/ECE 374
Chandra Chekuri (chekuri) Section A
Nikita Borisov (nikita) Section B
Teaching Assistants
Robert Andrews (rgandre2)
Calvin Beideman (calvinb2)
Rucha Kulkarni (ruchark2)
Shu Liu (shuliu4)
Vasileios Livanos (livanos3)
Sahand Mozaffari (sahandm2)
Vishal Jagannath Ravi (vr7)
Charles Shang (cshang4)
Zhongyi Shen (zshen15)
Manuel Torres (manuelt2)
Xilin Yu (xilinyu2)
Course Assistants
Hari Cheruvu
Guohao Dou
Apoorva Dixit
Alan Fang
Andrew Faust
Shreyas Gandlur
Angad Garg
Lingkai Kong
Samuel Kriman
Emerson Sie
Chris Settles
Will Song
Alex Vanyo
Ziang Wan
Mingzhe Wang
Jonathan Xu
Ruiqian Yao
Tao Zhou
Daniel Zou

Regular weekly schedule

Section A: Tue Thu 11:00-12:15, 1002 ECE Building
Section B: Tue Thu 12:30-1:45, 1310 Digital Computer Laboratory (DCL)
All labs meet every Wednesday and Friday.
- There is no section ADI. -
Section ADA: Vishal Jagannath Ravi 9:00-9:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADB: Xilin Yu 10:00-10:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADC: Rucha Kulkarni 11:00-11:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADD: Vasileios Livanos 12:00-12:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADE: Vasileios Livanos 1:00-1:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADF: Manuel Torres 1:00-1:50 1105 Siebel
Section ADG: Robert Andrews 2:00-2:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADH: Charles Shang 2:00-2:50 1105 Siebel
Section ADJ: Robert Andrews 3:00-3:50 1304 Siebel
Section ADK: Calvin Beideman 3:00-3:50 1105 Siebel
Section BDA: Zhongyi Shen 12:00-12:50 3081 ECE Building
Section BDB: Shu Liu 1:00-1:50 3081 ECE Building
Section BDC: Shu Liu 2:00-2:50 3081 ECE Building
Office hours:
Chandra Monday 10-11 Theory Lounge Siebel
Nikita Monday 11-12 460 CSL
Manuel Monday 1-2 Theory Lounge Siebel
Xilin Monday 3-4 Theory Lounge Siebel
Zhongyi Monday 4-5 4034 ECE
Robert Tuesday 2-3 Theory Lounge Siebel
Vasilis Tuesday 3-4 Theory Lounge Siebel
Vishal Tuesday 4-5 Theory Lounge Siebel
Calvin Tuesday 5-6 Theory Lounge Siebel
Shu Thursday 3-4 2036 ECE
Rucha Thursday 4-5 Theory Lounge Siebel
Sahand Friday 4-5 Theory Lounge Siebel
Charles Friday 5-6 Theory Lounge Siebel
- Theory lounge is the open area between 3304 and 3232. -
Due Wednesdays at 10am, uploaded to Gradescope
Homeworks are released at least one week before the due date.
Under normal circumstances, graded homeworks should be returned within two weeks of submission.
For review and self-study only; no deadlines and no effect on final course grade

Website generously borrowed from those of previous semesters.