CS/ECE 374: Final grades curve

Combined score average: 60.18
Combined stddev: 13.03
Min Max Letter Grade Percentage of student that got this grade
0 34.12 F 1.96
34.12 38.47 D- 1.47
38.47 42.82 D 1.96
42.82 47.17 D+ 8.07
47.17 51.52 C- 8.07
51.52 55.87 C 12.47
55.87 60.22 C+ 16.14
60.22 64.57 B- 12.22
64.57 68.92 B 8.56
68.92 73.27 B+ 9.29
73.27 77.63 A- 8.07
77.63 90 A 10.51
90 200 A+ 1.22

Last modified: Mon 2017-12-25 18:16:21 UTC 2017 by Sariel Har-Peled