CS 373: Introduction to Theory of Computation

Fall 2012


Homeworks are due by 11:59pm on Thursdays in dropboxes located in the basement of Siebel Center.

Your homework solutions must follow the CS 373 homework format guidelines and the homework style guidelines. In particular, notice that each problem must be on a separate sheet of paper, your name should be on each sheet, and your discussion section time should be in the upper righthand corner.

If you prefer to type your homeworks (or some parts of them), you may be interested in learning about latex. Latex source is provided for the homeworks. You will need the following file macros.tex (which might change every week). (You will often need the LaTeX graphics package PGF and TikZ for compiling these. But you may be able to borrow parts of the source, even if you do not have PGF installed.)

All Homework solutions are posted on the Class Moodle page. You should see it under the activity for each week.