Segmentation Faults

On the first set of notes for this week, we had a process running that motivated this week’s notes. We left it in the following state:

[0]programCode (1/5)
[1](heap memory data)
[2]programCode (2/5)
[3](heap memory data)
P1 Page Table:
[1]==> ram[0], disk[42]
[2]==> ram[2], disk[43]
[3]==> disk[44]
[4]==> disk[45]
[5]==> disk[46]
[8](heap memory) ==> ram[1]
[9](heap memory) ==> ram[3]
[10](heap memory)
[11](heap memory)
Hard Drive:
[42]programCode (1/5)
[43]programCode (2/5)
[44]programCode (3/5)
[45]programCode (4/5)
[46]programCode (5/5)

Memory Accesses

Q: What happens if our program accesses the memory address 0xC123?

  • In our system, our pages are 4 KiB. Therefore, page offset is 0x123 (12 bits) and the page number is the remaining bits (0xC).
  • We know 0xC == 12.
  • The contents of index 12, [12], in our page table is empty!
[0]programCode (1/5)
[1](heap memory data)
[2]programCode (2/5)
[3](heap memory data)
P1 Page Table:
[1]==> ram[0], disk[42]
[2]==> ram[2], disk[43]
[3]==> disk[44]
[4]==> disk[45]
[5]==> disk[46]
[8](heap memory) ==> ram[1]
[9](heap memory) ==> ram[3]
[10](heap memory)
[11](heap memory)
Hard Drive:
[42]programCode (1/5)
[43]programCode (2/5)
[44]programCode (3/5)
[45]programCode (4/5)
[46]programCode (5/5)

Segmentation Fault

A segmentation fault occurs when you access memory that has not been mapped in your virtual memory!

  • The example above results in a segmentation fault because [12] is an unused page table entry.
  • Additionally, the operating system will ALWAYS leave the memory address 0x0 (and the whole page associated with 0000 ... 0000) empty. Due to this, access a NULL pointer (as NULL is simply 0) will also always result in a segmentation fault.
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