MP 6.2: Versioned State Server

Due Date: Completed and turned in via git before November 19, 2020 at 8:00am
Points: MP 6.2 is worth 25 points


In this MP, you will expand on MP6 to use external data stores including redis, mongodb, and (optionally) mysql.

Initial Files

In your CS 240 directory, merge the initial starting files with the following commands:

git fetch release
git merge release/mp6-part2 -m "Merging initial files"

Machine Problem


In this MP, you will transition your code from using a local data store to an external data store:

  • In the redis-kv directory, implement your server using a redis data store.
  • In the mongodb-nosql directory, implement your server using a MongoDB data store.
  • For extra credit, in the mysql-sql directory, implement your server using a MySQL data store.

For each of these, you may want to copy/paste your mp6 solution into the directory as a starting point. The flask routes should remain the same, but the functionality will almost certainly change significantly.

Redis Key-Value Store

To transition your code to a redis data store, you will want to install the redis Python library using either:

  • pip install redis or conda install redis

Additionally, you will want to run a redis server to connect to. The quickest way to get one running is to use docker:

  • docker run --rm -it -p 6379:6379 redis

The documentation for redis can be found here:

  • I found .get, .set and .delete as useful functions.

MongoDB NoSQL Data Store

To transition your code to a mongodb data store, you will want to install the mongodb Python library using either:

  • pip install pymongo or conda install pymongo

Additionally, you will want to run a mongodb server to connect to. The quickest way to get one running is to use docker:

  • docker run --rm -it -p 27017:27017 mongo

The documentation for mongodb can be found here:

  • When using a NoSQL database, you do not need to “create” a database.
  • Every database is made up of “collections”. Similarly, you will need to “create” a collection. Using a collection will create it!
  • You can use just one collection for the entire MP, or one collection per key, and both designs are great.

Extra Credit: SQL Data Store

If you want even more challenge, create a SQL data store for this MP! This is the most complex and more difficult route. I’ll leave the rest for you! :)

Running Your Server (Same as MP6)

For each server, as usual, launch the flask app using the standard command:

python -m flask run

For each server, we have also provided the same test script,, which you can run while the server is running:


If all tests pass successfully, you will see no output. If any assertion errors occur, you can inspect the test case to find out what was tested.


When you have completed your program, double-check that your server runs as expected. When you are ready, submit the code via the following git commands:

git add -A
git commit -m "MP submission"
git push origin master

You can verify your code was successfully submitted by viewing your git repo via the web interface here: