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Simple Git Tutorial

by Eddie Huang

Simple Git

The most popular version control system for managing programming code. Full git documentation

Assignment Setup

# Update your connection to the release repository
git fetch release

You can merge the assignments as they are released into your personal repo with

git pull --no-edit --no-rebase release main
git push

if you are using multiple machines you may need to use the following to allow them to work correcly.

git pull --no-edit --no-rebase release main --allow-unrelated-histories
git push

Making a Checkpoint For Your Code

# Adding all tracked files to checkpoint
git add -u

# Making a local checkpoint with a meaningful description
git commit -m "Finally got the first test case to pass"

# Saving the checkpoint to the main branch of the origin remote
git push origin main

Other Useful Commands

# Update your local repository with the remote repository
git pull

# Prints useful information about the present state of your
# local repository relative to the remote repository's state.
git status          

# Prints the commit history of the local repository
git log             

# When you want to redo the making of a new commit (all new edits are kept)
git reset           

# Permanently erases all un-committed changes
git reset --hard

# Permanently undo the latest commit
git reset --hard HEAD^

# Revert the changes specified by the fourth last commit in HEAD and create a new commit with the reverted changes.
git revert HEAD~3