Insidious Inheritance
Shape Member List

This is the complete list of members for Shape, including all inherited members.

area() const =0Shapepure virtual
area() const (defined in Shape)Shape
center() constShape
center_ (defined in Shape)Shapeprotected
color() constShape
contains(const Vector2 &p) const =0Shapepure virtual
contains(const Vector2 &p) const (defined in Shape)Shape
draw(cs225::PNG *canvas) constShapevirtual
perimeter() const =0Shapepure virtual
perimeter() const (defined in Shape)Shape
set_center(const Vector2 &center)Shapevirtual
Shape(const Vector2 &center, const cs225::HSLAPixel &color)Shape
~Drawable() (defined in Drawable)Drawableinlinevirtual
~Drawable() (defined in Drawable)Drawableinline
~Shape() (defined in Shape)Shapeinlinevirtual
~Shape() (defined in Shape)Shapeinline