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Sneaky Stories

Extra credit: Apr 22, 23:59 PM Due: Apr 29, 23:59 PM

Goals and Overview

In this MP you will:

  • Merge your creative story into the course-wide CYOA graph
  • Implement an Adjacency List with correct running times
  • Find interesting sub-structures in the course-wide CYOA story using the shortest path algorithm

Checking Out the Code

From your CS 225 git directory, run the following on EWS:

git fetch release
git merge release/mp_stories -m "Merging initial mp_stories files"

If you’re on your own machine, you may need to run:

git fetch release
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories release/mp_stories -m "Merging initial mp_stories files"

Part 1: Merge Your Story to the Course-wide Graph

For Part 1, we will combine our graphs using forked repo (and git pull requests), a common way to merge changes in code when working as part of a large team.

Part 1.1: Add your files

Part 1.1a: Fork _graph repo outside of your CS 225 course repo by clicking the Fork button at the top right corner.

  • If you are in a folder with directories with mp1, mp2, etc, you are still inside of your CS 225 repo. Move up another directory.
  • Once you are outside of your CS 225 course repo directory, run:

    git clone< N E T I D >/_graph.git mp_stories-graph

Part 1.1b: Move into the mp_stories-graph repo.

  • Run cd mp_stories-graph

Part 1.1c: Copy your entire story_data directory from your mp_mazes folder (eg: the directory of all the .md files that contain your story) into the mp_stories-graph folder that is the course-wide graph. Your mp_stories-graph repo will now contain the story_data directory.

Part 1.1d: Validate your graph (again) by running

  • On EWS, from the base of the mp_stories-graph directory:
    module load python3/3.7.0
    python3 story_data
  • On your own machine with Python installed: python3 story_data

More information can be found here.

Part 1.1e: Commit to your fork:

  • Inside of the mp_stories-graph directory, run the following:
  • Add all your files by running: git add story_data
  • Commit your files by running: git commit -m “< N E T I D > story”
  • Push your files by running: git push origin master

Part 1.2: Pair Up and Combine

Pair up with your friend, lab partner, or other CS 225 student to combine your forks into one larger graph. The two of you should work together to combine the graphs. Specifically, one of you will create a “pull request” on GitHub, and the other will review the request, and approve the request in order to merge the two branches. This is a common practice in project collaboration to make sure that every change is being reviewed before being merged into the main code base.

Part 1.2a: Make sure your story is pushed to your fork by checking< N E T I D >/_graph

Part 1.2b: Make a pull request to the fork you want to merge into:

  • Click the “Pull requests” tab
  • Click “New pull request” next to the branch button
  • In the “base” fork selection, select the branch you fork to merge into
  • Make sure that the “compare” branch is your branch

Part 1.2c: Review and accept the pull request, thus merging the two forks (by the other person):

  • The other person will see the pull request and any difference it will make
  • After reviewing the changes and making sure there’s no conflicts, click the arrow next to “Merge pull request”, and select “Rebase and merge”. Then press “Rebase and merge” to merge your changes
    • While not strictly necessary, this will greatly lower the chances of having conflicts automatically resolved in a way which breaks the story by reporting more conflicts and failing more often. If you are having trouble merging the PR by rebasing and know what you are doing, feel free to merge the PR in a different way.

Part 1.2d: Modify and/or add new files to ensure that the two graphs are connected. Remember that there must be exactly one starting vertex (no incoming edges). This means you must at least modify or add one node, though integrating your stories in an interesting way is ideal!

Part 1.2e: Validate your graph again by running

Part 1.3: Merge with other forks or let others merge with you!

Let others merge with you

Suppose you already have your graph with at least 2 people’s work. You can make a pull request to the cs225-sp19/_graph/master to make your graph pending to be combined with the course-wide graph!

  • Make sure your graph is valid by running the validator
  • Click “New pull request” from your branch, select cs225-sp19/_graph/master as the base (see Part 1.2a&b)
  • Create the pull request to cs225-sp19/_graph/master

This way, your fork will be a pending branch to be forked into cs225-sp19/_graph/master(the final course-wide graph). Others can also make pull requests to your branch! If you accept their pull request (make sure that the changes don’t break anything), your stories will become one larger story! You can start by inviting your friends to merge into your branch!

As the owner of the branch, this will require a bit of extra work since you have to review and accept other people’s pull requests in order to make your story larger. You are also responsible for maintaining your branch and combine others’ stories with the current one (see Part 1.2d).

Merge with other forks’ pull requests

Alternatively, you can merge into other people’s stories by making pull requests to other people’s forks!

  • Navigate to the top-right corner of your fork of _graph and click the number count next to the Fork button.
  • Check for open pull requests to cs225-sp19/_graph/master and find a fork that you like
  • Make a pull request from your fork, select as the base

This way, if your pull request is accepted by the owner of the other fork, your story will be integrated into their story, and it will be combined with the course graph later when their pull request to cs225-sp19/_graph/master gets accepted. However, you don’t have control over whether they accept your pull request. Again, try starting with your friends!

Extra Credits

You’ll earn +7 extra credit for having your story in the largest pull request by Monday, Apr. 22nd at 11:59pm! Each smaller pull request will earn progressively less extra credit and CS 225 course staff will merge all remaining large-ish pull requests after Wednesday to generate the full, course-wide dataset.

Part 2: Adjacency List

You have been provided with an incomplete Graph implementation for an adjacency list implementation. You must complete all functions in Graph.hpp without editing Graph.h. This means you must make use of the std::unsorted_map that maintains the vertices and std::list that maintains the edges.

Open the doxygen for class Graph.

Runtime Required

In this MP, tests are designed to ensure you have an implementation that runs in the running time described in lecture of the adjacency list, with the exception of vertex/edge removal. You will find several test cases require a specific running time to be met.

Most importantly, ensure your Graph::incidentEdges and Graph::isAdjacent functions run in times described in lecture.

Testing Your Story With Your MP

The main.cpp file is used to compile the ./stories that loads your interactive story from your story_data directory. Copy your story_data directory from the last MP and replace the story_data folder in this MP. A complete implementation of Part 2 will allow you to verify the format of your story from your story_data folder.

Tip on std::reference_wrapper

std::reference_wrapper<class T> is a useful utility that lets std::container based structures like std::list to be able to store references to data instead of needing to internally copy data into the container data structure. To access the reference from the std::reference_wrapper<class T>, please use the std::reference_wrapper<class T> member function T& get() const noexcept to retrieve the wrapped reference.

Test Suite

Additional unit tests similar to how we will grade your MP are provided for you in tests.

make test

Part 3: Creative Sub-Structures

The next thing to do in mp_stories is to create a shortest path algorithm! You must find and return the shortest path between a given start vertex and end vertex.

There are different implementations for the shortest path algorithm. Compare them and use the one that you see fit the most!

Complete Graph<K,V>::shortestPath(...) within Graph2.hpp. This function will allow you to find your shortest path in the course-wide graph!

Grading Information

The following files are used to grade mp_stories so far:

  • Graph.hpp, for Part 2
  • Graph2.hpp, for Part 3

All other files will not be used for grading.