Insidious Inheritance
Vector2 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Vector2, including all inherited members.

crossProduct(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
distanceTo(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
dotProduct(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isEastOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isNorthEastOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isNorthOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isNorthWestOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isSouthEastOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isSouthOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isSouthWestOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
isWestOf(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
leftHandNormal() constVector2
length() constVector2
length2() constVector2
magnitude() constVector2
normalize() constVector2
operator *(int constant)Vector2
operator+(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
operator-(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
operator/(int constant)Vector2
operator==(const Vector2 &other) constVector2
projectionOn(const Vector2 &b) constVector2
rightHandNormal() constVector2
setX(double x)Vector2
setY(double y)Vector2
Vector2(double x, double y)Vector2
x() constVector2
y() constVector2