Installing Python (miniconda)


The Python programming language is one of the most widely used programming langauges and is great for processing data, in part due to the massive number of libraries developed by other people that will help us processing data.

If you do not have Python 3 installed, you will need to install it for CS 205.

Testing for Python

Using your command line, run the following command:
   python --version

If the output begins with Python 3.5, you are all set! If not, use the instructions below to install Python. Once you install Python, you will need to close and re-open your command line before testing for Python again.

Windows: Installing Python

Download Miniconda (make sure to choose Python 3.5):

Run the installer, all of the default options are fine.

Mac OS X: Installing Python

Download Miniconda (make sure to choose Python 3.5):

Once downloaded, you will need to use your command line to complete the install. You can run the following commands:
   cd Downloads
   Press q to exit the license screen
   ...all default options are fine.