Activity 2: Gender Diversity at Illinois
Due: On git by Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016 at 11:00am
Team: This is a solo assignment, you should type all the code to your solution. However, feel free to get help from others/Google/etc.
Grading: This assignment is the mid-week activity for Experience 1, worth 10 points. There is no partial credit.
No Late Submissions: We will be using the solution to this activity in lecture on Thursday; no late submissions will be accepted.

Initial Files

As per usual, grab the activity2 directory by running the following commands in your workbook folder:
   git fetch release
   git merge release/activity2 master -m "merge"

Make sure you do all of your work for this assignment within this new directory.


Using this week's dataset, deomgraphics by major at Illinois, find the current and historic gender diversity for each major. To do this, you will need to find the percentage of students who are female (%female) in the major and record four things:

  1. The name of the major
  2. The smallest (minimum) %female across all years of data for that major
  3. The largest (maximum) %female across all years of data for that major
  4. The current (2015) %female

Using Python, create a program that stores this informaiton about each major as a list of dictionaries. As an example, each element of the list should contain a dictionary similar to the following:
   {"major": "Biology", "max_female_pct": 0.586, "min_female_pct": 0.515, "current_female_pct": 0.586 }

You should print out this list at the end of your program. Feel free to sort it in any way.


This activity is submitted digitally via git. View detailed submission instructions here.