Activity 1: Explore Your Data
Due: On git by Tuesday, August 29, 2016 at 11:00am
Team: This is a solo assignment.
Grading: This assignment is the post-lecture activity for Experience 0, worth 10 points. There is no partial credit.


In lecture, you saw how to use Python to read a CSV and generate summary information about the data. This activity builds on this by having you take your own CSV data set, write Python code to create some summary information, and then explain what you did.

Initial Files

A new directory has been created on the release git repository, which you should complete this assignment in. To merge this into your repository, navigate to your workbook directory using a command line and run the following commands:
   git fetch release
   git merge release/activity1 master -m "merge"

Upon success, you will now have an activity1 directory in your workbook folder. Make sure you do all of your work for this assignment within this new directory.


Find a CSV data set related to your major or your interests, read it in using Python, and find at least one frequency or similarity between records.

Make sure you place both the Python file and your CSV file in the activity1 directory in your workbook directory.

Once you have a working Python script that processes your data file, let us know what you did by writing up a half-page on what data you found, what frequency/similarity you found, and any struggles you had in doing the assignment. Include this file as a PDF inside of your activity1 directory.

A complete assignemnt will include (at least) three files:

  1. A CSV file
  2. A Python script that reads the CSV file
  3. A PDF, at least half a page, that tells us what you did


This activity is submitted digitally via git. View detailed submission instructions here.