CS 173 [B], Spring 2015

Grading Policy

The graded work includes the following:

In addition, we have designed weekly problem sets for self-study. While these are not to be turned in, and will not be graded, you are strongly encouraged to solve all of them (well before the examlets, homeworks and recap quizzes).

Grade posting

We will be using moodle for online grade posting.

Letter grades

When we translate your averages into final letter grades, a score of 90 will be at least an A-, 80 at least a B-, 70 at least a C-, 60 at least a D-. We may revise these cutoffs to be more generous as the class progresses. For example, a score of 78 might turn into either a C+ or a B-. In past terms, at least half of the grades have been A's and B's.

What do the letter grades mean?

We reserve the right to make adjustments to individual final grades to ensure that grades are appropriate in unusual circumstances, such as illness where it's infeasible to make up all the missed work, disabilities that affect the fairness of the standard grading formula, and so forth.

More Information

Note that your pre/post-lecture quizzes and all homeworks are submitted via Moodle. Moodle will not allow you to submit quizzes late (beyond a small grace-period we may include to allow for technical delays). Moreover, moodle will not let you review answers to an activity that you never submitted. So, make sure to submit at least once before the deadline, even if your submission is incomplete (or even blank). If you were unable to submit a quiz on time for reasons beyond your control, or if you ran into technical issues with your submission, contact your TA for help.

If you have some sort of disability or special circumstances which might impact your participation in the class, please tell us. It's not mandatory, but it will allow us to help you. If you need special accomodations such as extra time on exams, bring us your note from DRES well in advance. These arrangements often require some lead time and careful planning.

Also, please read the academic integrity policy.