Lectures, Textbooks, Etc for CS 173, Spring 2009

This course has lectures three times a week and a discussion section once a week. You also need to know about the textbook, how to get copies of announcements, handouts, etc.

Lectures and Discussion Sections

Our lectures are One-hour discussion sections meet on Mondays at 12, 1, 2, and 3 and Tuesdays at 9, 10, 11, 12, and 1. They are all in 1111 Siebel.

You are expected to attend lectures and discussion section. If you cannot be there, you must arrange to pick up any handouts or returned homeworks you may have missed, e.g. by coming to office hours.


Some handouts may be actually handed out in class. Others may be purely virtual. In both cases, they will available on the lectures web page.


Announcements, homework hints, etc will be posted on the class newsgroup class.cs173 Here are instructions for accessing it. You must read the newsgroup regularly (at least once a day). Only particularly important announcements will be duplicated on the course home page. You are encouraged to use the newsgroup to initiate and participate in discussion related to the class. However, students should not post solutions or hints to homework problems.


The official course text is Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007.

If you are on a tight budget, a copy of an earlier edition would probably work ok and is much better than not having a textbook. A copy of the text is on reserve in Grainger Library.

Readings from the textbook will be posted on the lectures web page.