CS173: Discrete Structures

Missed Tests

Missed Tests

If you have a conflict with a test, or are too sick to reasonably take it, or miss the examlet for any other reason, contact the course staff using the private note feature in Piazza AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to arrange a makeup. For routine viruses (the most common situation), we expect to hear from you the day of the exam. For conflicts planned long in advance, tell us a week or two ahead of the test date. If you have a major unplanned problem (e.g. serious illness), contact us as soon as you reasonably can.

Missed CBTF tests can be made up at a later date. Missed written tests can be made up during the final exam.

It is important that the course staff be contacted as soon as possible through the private note feature in Piazza. If you let us know late then we may not grant you permission to take a makeup. However, we will be reasonable --- if you are sick you should focus on recovering and not worry about the missed test.

Illness during a test

Suppose you realize during a test that you are sick, e.g. you have a sudden need to use the restroom. In this case, give your partial work to the proctors, explaining that you are sick. If it is a CBTF test we will arrange for you to do a makeup, and if it is a written test, you can make it up during the final.

If you have a minor problem during a test but feel it is best to keep working, email the instructor promptly after the test. This can sometimes affect your grade if you end the term right below a grade boundary. However, this must be done promptly, not (for example) at the end of the term.