CS173: Discrete Structures
Fall 2014, Margaret Fleck

Here is the information on the final exam.

The examlets will be given at the start of class on Tuesdays, starting with the 9th of September. Before the first examlet, you must read the exam instructions. These instructions will NOT be reprinted with each examlet.

The listed chapters and skills are the new skills for each examlet. The examlet will focus on these new skills. However, be aware that you're still expected to remember concepts from earlier in the term.

Examlet Date Textbook sections Skills list Solutions
#1: Prerequisites and Logic 9 September Chapters 1 and 2, excluding 1.5-1.6 Examlet 1 skills A sheet B sheet
#2: Number theory 16 September Chapters 3 and 4, excluding 4.12-4.14 Examlet 2 skills A sheet B sheet
#3: Set theory (and modular arithmetic) 23 September 4.12-4.14, Chapter 5 Examlet 3 skills A sheet B sheet
#4: Relations 30 September Chapter 6 Examlet 4 skills A sheet B sheet
#5: Functions 7 October Chapters 7 and 8 Examlet 5 skills A sheet B sheet
#6: Graphs 14 October Chapter 9 Examlet 6 skills A sheet B sheet
#7: Two-way bounding, Easy Induction 21 October 1.5, Chapter 10, 11.1-11.7 Examlet 7 skills A sheet B sheet
#8: Induction, Recursive Definition 28 October Chapters 11 and 12 Examlet 8 skills A sheet B sheet
#9: Trees, Grammars 4 November 1.6, Chapter 13 (but not 13.6, 13.7) Examlet 9 skills A sheet B sheet
#10: Big-O, Recursion Trees 11 November 13.6, 13.7, Chapter 14 Examlet 10 skills A sheet B sheet
#11: Algorithms, NP 18 November Chapters 15, 16 Examlet 11 skills A sheet B sheet
#12: Contradiction, Collections of Sets 2 December Chapters 17, 18 Examlet 12 skills A sheet B sheet
Final: State Diagrams, Countability 18 December, 9 am Chapters 19, 20 Final examlet skills A sheet B sheet