Version Control using Subversion

This class uses subversion to check out and hand-in assignments and you get automatic access about 12-24 hours after joining the class. Your subversion home directory should be the following replacing 'yournetid' with your netid:

There is a public _shared subdirectory that you can read (but not write) -

You can access these resources three ways: (1) using svn tools in your terminal shell, (2) from IntelliJ IDE, and (3) using your web browser (for read only access).

Using subversion with IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA has subversion support built right in. Do the following to get a project checked into subversion.

Step 1: Configure IntelliJ (only needs to be done once)

Depending on your operating system, you made need to make sure that a copy of 'ssh' (secure shell) is installed.

Step 2: Checking a project into IntelliJ the first time

If you have created an existing project in IntelliJ, the process below can get it checked into subversion.

Step 3: Navigate to your SVN using your web browser to make sure that the check in was successful
At this point, you've copied what is in your project into SVN, but your local copy isn't under version control.
Step 4: Checking your project out so that you can make future commits

Other subversion/IntelliJ Tips:

Though there are a few 'gotchas' we'll mention here, using subversion with IntelliJ is very similar to using subversion with other IDEs such as Eclipse. Here's some quick tips-