CS 105

Week 13

Final Project

✔: Form Project Teams

✔: Excel Sheet Due

Week #3: Hand-drawn Visualization Due

Week #4: d3.js Visualization Presentation

Midterm 2

Tuesday, April 21 (Tomorrow!)
8:00pm - 9:30pm

Rooms posted by e-mail and course website by 12:00noon today

Midterm 2

Covers material from Week 6-12

25-35 multiple choice questions
2-4 free response questions

More info/review on the course website


A Visualization, Deconstructed

Every d3.js visualization is made up of three pieces: data, d3.js boilerplate, drawing.


d3.js is designed to work with arrays of objects

var a = [
  { major: "CS", students: 1038 },
  { major: "Accy", students: 1029 },
  { major: "Finance", students: 527 }


Every d3.js visualization requires some basic code that will always be the same. We call this boilerplate code:

var chart = d3.select("#chart")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height);

     .data( arrayOfObjects )  // a


d3.js can visualize shapes ranging from basic lines, circles, and rectangles to complicated polygons and paths

Each shape corresponds to a data point from the data set

Every shape attribute can either be defined directly or through a function that takes in parameters d, i


.attr("x", 100)
.attr("x", function (d, i) {
  // d: A data point from your data
  // d: { major: "CS", students: 1038 }
  // i: The index in your data (for-loop)
  // i: 0
  return d.students;


Rectangles (rect)
Defined by: width, height, x, and y

.attr("x", 1) // Left of top-left corner
.attr("y", 2) // Top of top-left corner
.attr("width", 3)
.attr("height", 4)


Circles (circle)
Defined by: cx, cy, and r

.attr("cx", 1)  // Center x
.attr("cy", 2)  // Center y
.attr("r", 3)   // Radius


Lines (line)
Defined by: x1, y1, x2, and y2

.attr("x1", 1)  // Starting point
.attr("y1", 2)
.attr("x2", 3)  // Ending point
.attr("y2", 4)


Often we will want to scale our data within a range.

In mathematics, we describe this as mapping a number from an input domain to a output range.

Example: Converting from °F to °C

  • Linear scale
  • C = (F - 32) * (5/9)


d3.js provides us tools to do this easily, with a set of different scales

  • Linear Scale: Maps a domain to a range linearly.
  • Power Scale: Maps a domain to a range via a given exponent (eg: 0.5 for square root)
  • Log Scale: Maps a domain to a range via a given logarithmic base (eg: 10 for log10)
  • Other Scales: Identity, Quantize, Quantile, and Threshold

Quantitative Scales Documentation

Using a Linear Scale

var f2c = d3.scale.linear()
          .domain( [32, 212] )
          .range( [0, 100] );
// f2c is a function that accepts
//     one parameter and will map
//     it from [32, 212] -> [0, 100]

Using a Linear Scale

var f2c = d3.scale.linear()
          .domain( [32, 212] )
          .range( [0, 100] );
var c;
c = f2c(75);  // 23.88889
c = f2c(40);  //  4.44444

Using a Log Scale

var s = d3.scale.log()
        .domain( [0, 552] )
        .range( [0, 1] );
// Default base is 10
// Default range is [0, 1]
var s = d3.scale.log()
        .domain( [0, 552] );

Finding Max/Min

d3 can find the maximum and minimum values of an array, given a function to specify what value should be maximized or minimized (if needed)

d3.max(array[, accessor])
var a = [1, 5, 25];
var max = d3.max( a );  // 25
var majors = [
  { major: "CS", students: 1038 },
  { major: "Accy", students: 1029 },
  { major: "Finance", students: 527 }

var maxStudent = d3.max(majors, function (d) {
  return d.students;
});  // { major: "CS", students: 1038 }

var max = maxStudent.students;  // 1038


HTML / d3.js Download