ECE198KL: Introduction to Computer Engineering II


Course Information

Office Hours

Prof. Steve Lumetta (lumetta) Th 1-3 L440 DCL ... or one of the two labs next to it (JL may have reserved) NOTE NEW PLACE!
Vinay Nagar (nagar2) Sa 5-6pm, Sun 5-6pm, M 9-10 p.m. L440 DCL


Competition Winners

Prizes were kindly provided by Microsoft. From left to right, Zilin took first place with his "Evil Twin Game" in which the player tries to escape the wrath of Lumetta's evil twin while trying to trick the rather handsome villain into hitting the deadly green box. Shiheng earned second for his automated "Hero in a Maze," in which hero of the Depths saga navigates down through a twisted stone passage to collect a crystal. Stephen's "Harlem Shake Simulator," a flamboyant animated epic featuring the Depths hero bouncing on a house and several oscillating crystals, took third. Finally, Potok took fourth with his Mario Twins animation, in which Mario walks, morphs, and walks again!

You could cut the tension in the competition room with, well, a knife would certainly do it. Not sure you necessarily needed that, though. But we had fun!

Lecture Notes and Overviews

Reference Sheets

Example C Programs

Examples developed in ECE190. We will probably cover some or all of them in our class. To unpack one of these archives, type: tar xjf <filename>