CS 576: Topics in Automated Deduction (Spring 2015)
News for Spring 2015
  • 4/10/15 - I have filled the VeriFOPT directory on the class projects repository. It may be found at: https://subversion.ews.illinois.edu/svn/sp15-cs576/_projects/VeriFOPT and you should be able to do an svn co for it. - ELG
  • 3/10/15 - I have given a one day extension for MP3 since several people requested this. It is now due Thursday 12 March, 2015 at 11:59pm. - ELG
  • 2/25/15 - MP1 has been returned (as mp1_graded.thy) to your svn directories. - ELG
  • 2/18/15 - MP2 has been posted to you svn directories on Wednesday 18 February and will be due on Wednesday 25 February. - ELG
  • 2/6/15 - MP1 was posted to your svn directories on Thursday 2/5/2015 at about 2:00am. If you have not already done so, please follow the directions for checking out your svn directory on the policy page in the section on Instructions for Submitting Assignments, or alternately the instructions now posted on the mp webpage. Once you have checked out your svn directory, if the directory assignments is not already there, please do an svn up to get the latest contents. That will include mp1.thy, which is the first assignment. The assignment is due Thursday 2/12/2015 - ELG
  • 1/21/15 - Welcome to the spring session of CS576. This page will be the main bulletin board for the course, and hence is always under construction. Please check it frequently - ELG
    Course Description
    Contacting Staff
    Submitting Assignments
    Regrade Policy
    Academic Integrity

    Class Schedule
    Wed, Fri 9:30am - 10:45am
    1131 SC

    Elsa Gunter
    Email: egunter@illinois.edu
    Office: 2112 SC
    Phone: 265-6118
    Skype: elsagunter
    Fri 11:00am - 12:15pm
    Also by appointment