CS 421: Programming Languages and Compilers
Syllabus and Study Guide for the Midterm

Studying for this exam


  • Understand the lecture slides and discussions thoroughly.
  • Revisit the MPs and make sure you understand the solutions thoroughly. Repeat any you are not comfortable with.
  • Do the sample exam questions as a dry-run for the actual exam.



The exam will cover the material through lecture slide set 13. The following give examples of the kinds of questions you are likely to be asked for each topic:

  • Basic OCaml
    • Know the basic constructs (e.g., match, fun, let, let rec, ::) like the back of your hand.
    • Be able to evaluate OCaml expressions
    • Be able to determine the type of OCaml expressions
    • Be able to use pattern matching
    • Work with lists and tuples
  • Recursion
    • Be able to write recursive functions, possibly tail-recursive.
    • Be able to recognize whether a function is tail-recursive, and when a recursive call is in tail call position
    • Understand the performance benefits of tail recursion.
    • Define mutually-recursive functions
  • User-Defined Types
    • Be able to define unions and disjoint (variant) types in OCaml.
    • Be able to write OCaml functions over recursive disjoint types.
  • Regular Expressions and DFAs
    • Be able to tell when a string is in the language of a regular expresion or DFA
    • Be able to construct simple DFAs/Regular Expression given a description of the strings they should accept.
  • Lexing
    • Be able to construct a simple lexer given a description of the language
    • Given a lexer definition and an input string, be able to specify the list of tokens that will be generated by the lexer
    • Write elements of a lexer in ocamllex syntax
  • Context-Free Grammars and Parsing
    • Given a description of the language, be able to construct a context-free grammar for the language
    • Given a context-free grammar and an input string, illustrate left-most and right-most (canonical) derivations
    • Given a context-free grammar and an input string, show a parse tree, possibly constrainted by a certain derivation order
    • Be able to say whether a given grammar is ambiguous, including showing multiple parse trees to illustrate the ambiguity
    • Construct a shift-reduce parse for a sentence of a grammar
    • Write parse rules in ocamlyacc syntax
  • Compiler Structure and Code Generation
    • Identify the major components of the compiler, and their relationship
    • Analyze or write IR code generators for statements and expressions, including contextual and short-circuit evaluation