CS 421: Programming Languages and Compilers
News for Fall 2015
  • 12/2/15 - Midterm 2 has been returned to your svn repositories. The cutoffs for the two midterms have been posted. - ELG
  • 12/2/15 - I have cancelled the submission of HW11, and granted a 48 hour extension with 20% penalty for MP7 - ELG
  • 11/29/15 - A syllabus and sample final have been posted to the exams webpage. - ELG
  • 11/19/15 - Full reports for Midterm 1 have been placed in your svn repository, in the subdirectory named midterm1. In that directory you should find a file called midterm1.<netid>.report. That contains a summary of the problems you did and their scores. The multiple-choice questions were groups as one in this file, but separately broken out in midterm1-mc.<netid>.report. The pdfs for all the questions you did, including the multiple choice, have been added as well. The grades are posted in compass. The curve indicating scores at certain percentiles in posted at exams/cutoffs-fa15.txt. - ELG
  • 11/19/15 - I have changed the due date on MP6 to Friday (11/20/15) to give seven days for it. - ELG
  • 11/16/15 - Terence's office hours this Thursday (11/19/15) will be from 10:45a to 11:35a. - TN
  • 11/5/15 - After consulting with the class today, I have agreed to remove the late penalty for turning in MP5 with the 48 hour late extension. There will be no further extenstions given on this assignment. - ELG
  • 10/27/15 - HW8 has been revised to add clarity to problem 2. - SEJ
  • 10/21/15 - We have posted a preview of ML4's writeup for your consumption prior to our final proofread. Please note that it is still subject to changes, albeit minor ones. - TN
  • 10/3/15 - A syllabus and a set of sample questions for Midterm 1 have been posted to the exams webpage. - ELG
  • 9/14/15 - Another revision to HW3 has been posted to the website and uploaded to you svn directories. It corrects the description of the compiler printout for the value in Part 3 of Problem 1. - ELG
  • 9/12/15 - A revision to MP2 has been posted moving the last five problems to next week, since we have not yet covered List.fold_right and List.fold_left. - ELG
  • 9/12/15 - A revision to HW3 has been posted to the website and uploaded to you svn directories. It corrects the submission deadline (Wednesday September 16) and removes the garbage - : int = 7 at the end of each sample output in Problem 3. - ELG
  • 9/12/15 - HW1 has beed graded and returned to your svn directories. The compass2g website for this course is in a confused state, owing to the new sections not having been handled correctly. Until this is sorted out, I think it unwise to try to put any information into the system, so I am holding off uploading the grades for HW1 for now. - ELG
  • 9/9/15 - If you're still having issues registering for a timeslot for the CBTF, we've been told that Chrome in the EWS labs should work fine. (I'd suggest remoting into a lab machine so you don't have to stop by in person.) - TN
  • 9/8/15 - You are now able to sign up for a time slot to complete ML1! You can do this by going to the Computer-Based Testing Center Reservation site. For more information on ML1, please visit the Machine Labs page. - TN
  • 9/8/15 - We've done a bit of site reorganization! We've gone ahead and turned Machine Labs into a first class citizen - more precisely, we've added MLs into the top level navigation and removed them from the MPs page. - TN
  • 9/8/15 - HW2 part 3 has been reduced to a bit more than half of the original problem, with the remainder of the original problem now being extra credit. - ELG
  • 9/7/15 - Terence's Tuesday office hours will now be from 4:40pm to 5:30pm. - TN
  • 9/1/15 - As a reminder, please note that from MP2, ML1, and HW2 (and on), we will be providing solutions compiled in OCaml 4.02.3. To check the version of OCaml you're using, please run ocaml-version. If you're in the EWS labs, you can switch OCaml versions by running module load ocaml/4.02.3. - TN
  • 8/31/15 - To accomodate the demand for more enrollment in this course, we have opened up two overflow sections:
    CRN 65906 - 3 hr section
    CRN 65907 - 4 hr section
    If you still want to take this course this semester, you should be able to register immediately for the appropriate section. Please let the course instructor know if you have any difficulties with this. - ELG
  • 8/31/15 - SVN is now back up after this past weekend's outage. If you're still experiencing SVN issues, please let us know via Piazza! - TN
  • 8/27/15 - There has been some demand for registration in the class beyond the allowed class enrollment. I have investigated opening up an overflow section of the class to allow all those wishing to take the class this semester to do so. If you are not currently registered but are interested in doing so, please record your interest at the website: http://go.cs.illinois.edu/CS421Overflow. - ELG
  • 8/27/15 - In general, the lectures are recorded. There was a problem with the microphone on Monday that caused about one third of the class not to be recorded. I apologize for that, but problems like that will arise. The recordings are not guaranteed to always be there or without recording errors. Lectures are only given in class, and will not be rerecorded in case of problems. They are there to help you with review and in case you have an emergency preventing you from attending class. Please do not depend on their always being available. - ELG
  • 8/27/15 - I had requested that OCaml be updated on EWS earlier, and the update was finished today, meaning there will be a little more confusion over the version of Ocaml to be used. Going forward for assignments after HW1/MP1, we will give solution binaries compatible with version 4.02.3 only. You can switch between OCaml versions on EWS as follows:

    [egunter@linux-a1 ~]$ module load ocaml/4.01.0
    [egunter@linux-a1 ~]$ ocaml -version
    The OCaml toplevel, version 4.01.0

    [egunter@linux-a1 ~]$ module load ocaml/4.02.3
    [egunter@linux-a1 ~]$ ocaml -version
    The OCaml toplevel, version 4.02.3

    You can find updated installation instructions on the resources page. - ELG
  • 8/25/15 - MP1 and HW1 should now be in your SVN repositories. You can find instructions on how to get set up on the MPs page. - TN
  • 8/25/15 - We have a course Piazza which can be found here. - TN
  • 8/25/15 - Elsa L. Gunter is temporarily on medical leave and Dennis Griffith has kindly volunteered to guest lecture until she is able to return. - ELG
  • 8/25/15 - Welcome to CS421, Fall 2015. This page will be the main bulletin board for the course, and hence is always under construction. Please check it frequently. - ELG
    Contacting Staff
    Submitting Assignments
    Regrade Policy
    Policy on Cheating

    Class Schedule
    Tues, Thurs 2:00pm - 3:15pm
    1404 SC

    Elsa Gunter
    Email: egunter@illinois.edu
    Office: 2112 SC
    Phone: 265-6118
    Hours: Tues 12:00pm - 1:30 pm, Thurs 3:30pm - 4:20pm
    Also by appointment

    Teaching Assistants
    Susannah Johnson
    Email: sjohnsn2@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Wed 10:00am - 11:45am

    John Lee
    Email: jlee170@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Mon 12:00pm - 12:50pm,
          Fri 10:00am - 10:50am

    Terence Nip
    Email: nip2@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Tues 4:40pm - 5:30pm,
          Thu 11:15am - 12:05pm

    Michael Bay
    Email: bay2@illinois.edu
    Office: 0207 SC
    Hours: Fri 4:00pm - 5:55pm