CS 307: Modeling and Learning in Data Science

Course Overview. Introduction to the use of classical approaches in data modeling and machine learning in the context of solving data-centric problems. A broad coverage of fundamental models is presented, including linear models, unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and deep learning. A significant emphasis is placed on the application of models in Python and the interpretability of the results. This is one of the core classes in the X+DS programs.

Prerequisites. Calculus (MATH 220 or MATH 221); Python programming especially familiarity with NumPy, Pandas, and Mathplotlib (STAT 207); Probability and Statistics (STAT 207); Linear Algebra (one of MATH 225, MATH 257, MATH 415, MATH 416, ASRM 406).

Graded Work. Your graded work will consist of discussion lab attendance (4.5% total), homework/MPs (20.5% total), midterms (50% total), and final exam (25% total).

Syllabus Statements. A link to syllabus statements is here.

Acknowledgements. Course contents inspired by conversations with and materials from David Forsyth, Bo Li, Hongye Liu, Marco Morales, Ehsan Saleh, and Matus Telgarsky. Website design is due to Manoj Prabhakaran.

Class Schedule

Lecture videos. Lecture schedule below is tentative, but exam dates are fixed and will not change. Mediaspace channel with video recordings is here.