MP1: Getting Into C...

CS 241, Fall 2011


In CS 125, 225, and other classes, you have used various languages that are considered to be "C based", but up to now you may have very limited experience in C programming. This MP will provide a short programming introduction to pointers, strings, and functions in C.

This machine problem will be divided up into two pieces. In the first piece, you will need to write some code to call some 'creatively defined' functions so that those functions produce the desired output. In the second piece, you will be creating a simple dictionary data structure to parse and hold the values of the parsed strings.

What you must do...

...for Part 1:

We have pre-uploaded some files to your mp1 svn directory, including mp1-functions.c. Inside mp1-functions.c, you will see ten different functions, including first_step() (re-printed below).

void first_step(int value)
  if (value == 81)
    printf("1: Illinois\n");

To complete Part 1, you must complete the program part1.c so that part1.c makes calls to all ten functions in mp1-functions.c such that they print their "Illinois" line. When running ./part1, your output should look exactly like:

1: Illinois
2: Illinois
3: Illinois
4: Illinois
5: Illinois
6: Illinois
7: Illinois
8: Illinois
9: Illinois
10: Illinois

You should NOT edit the mp1-functions.c file. In fact, when we grade your program, we will replace the mp1-functions.c file with a new version of the file (and we'll change the "Illinois" string so printing out "Illinois" in a for-loop will get you no credit).

...for Part 2:

Now that you have some review of pointers, we're ready to make a simple, but useful library. This library will be a simple "dictionary" that associates a key with value, much like the Map interface in Java (Interface Map<K, V> in Java). While a true library may contain many useful functions, we only require a few very basic functions to be completed in order to complete Part 2: _init(), _destroy(), _add(), _get(), _remove(), and _parse().

In all six functions, the first parameter is a pointer to a dictionary_t struct. You can find this struct defined in the libdictionary.h file inside the /libdictionary/ folder in MP1. You will find the dictionary_t structure, with a single reference to a dictionary_entry_t struct. You may want to add variables to dictionary_t, change it to a pointer, or anything else to work with your data structure. It may be useful to add variables inside the dictionary_entry_t struct in order to store state about your dictionary. You may find that the dictionary_entry_t struct is enough, or you may create any number of other structs inside your .h file. A pointer to the same dictionary_t will be used through the entire use of a single dictionary. Sample code of use of your library can be found in part2.c, re-printed (in part) below:

dictionary_t dictionary;

result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value");
result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key2", "value");
result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, "Hello: World");
dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "key3");

You should modify part2.c to include more robust testing your library. We will not use part2.c in grading, but our grader will use a custom file that makes use of your library -- it's up to you to robustly test your dictionary.

To complete Part 2, you must implement the six functions defined in libdictionary/libdictionary.c. These functions are self-descriptive, but a full function outline is provided for you below for each function. In this MP, we are looking for correctness over efficiency -- all the test cases are small enough that even an O(n^3) algorithm will run just fine.

Compile and Run

To compile part1.c (Part 1), libdictionary (the dictionary itself), and part2.c (the dictionary tester), run:
make clean
To run Part 1:
To run Part 2:

Lab Report

In CS 241, you will need to submit a written report to explain how you went about implementing the MP assignment. In the report for MP1, you should at least answer these questions: This lab report must be named NETID-mp1.pdf and be in PDF format. See cs241.html for full details.

Grading, Submission, and Other Details

Please fully read cs241.html for more details on grading, submission, and other topics that are shared between all MPs in CS 241.