CS173: Discrete Structures
Fall 2013   Lecture B: Madhusudan Parthasarathy


Welcome to the B lecture of CS 173, Fall 2013!

WARNING: these B-lecture pages are still tentative. Don't trust the details until the first lecture. As soon as possible, you should get onto Piazza and Moodle, the two tools we will be using throughout the term.

On both sites, make sure you are signed up for the correct term (Fall 2013) and lecture (A lecture) of CS 173. Ignore any warnings from the Piazza sign-up about requiring a U. Illinois email address: you should be able to register using any email address you like.

Very little appears directly on this page. Routine announcements are posted on Piazza, Moodle, or the notes from each lecture. Check out the menu above for the Lectures page and information on other topics such as course policies, homeworks, and exams.