MP1: Victory Dance

Due: 11:55pm  Feb. 5, 2018

Illinois Victory Badge





For your first Machine Problem, you will create a 2-D animation of a dancing Illinois Victory Badge (as shown above). To complete the MP, you will need to create a digital model of the badge, write code to render it, and write code to animate it.


You will need to model the badge with a 2-D mesh of triangles. You can use more than one mesh; you could create a mesh for the blue part and then separate meshes for the orange bars. Or you could do something just has to look like the badge. One approach to creating the mesh would be to get some graph paper, draw the badge and figure out a set of coordinates for the vertices and a set of edges for the triangles that works. Once you have the coordinates and triangles, just write up a set of JavaScript arrays in your code containing those numbers. 


You should color the badge and the background as shown above. For this MP, you can render using the gl.drawArrays call, with the primitives specified as gl.TRIANGLES. Note that this will draw a triangle for each group of three consecutive vertices. For example, 12 vertices create 4 separate triangles. This means that the coordinates of vertices shared by multiple triangles will be repeated in the buffer. If you wish, you can use a different implementation (it just has to work), but the one suggested here is probably the simplest.


You will need to write a program to change the location of vertices over time to animate your model. Your code should use two different methods for changing the vertices:

  1. Use affine transformations (such as scaling, rotation, or translation). These should be implemented as matrix transformations (you can use the glMatrix library).
  2. Use a motion that cannot be implemented as a single affine transformation applied uniformly to all the geometry. We want to see an obviously non-uniform motion. For example, have the orange rectangles wiggle like snakes. For this, you will need to directly change the vertex data in a vertex buffer object. This part of the animation could be data driven using a table of pre-defined vertex positions for the motion. The motion can also be keyframed, so the vertices are interpolated from one keyframe location to a second keyframe location. Linear interpolation is fine for this assignment, but other interpolations, such as an s-curve, will ease the figure in and out of each keyframe. As an example of the kind of motion you might consider, imagine using various combination of sine waves to generate the dancing motion. If you modify the vertex positions by changing the coordinates in the buffer, make sure you use gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW. 


You will need to submit the following file in a zip archive via Compass:


All of your original code should be in those 2 files. You should also include any additional files you use. In particular you can use gl-matrix and the WebGL utilities used in the examples in class:


The assignment will be graded based on the following scale: